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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1863-1864-76

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76 THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT IV All Students have to pass probationary viva voce examination in the following subjects The Greek Testament as far as the Second Epistle to the Thessalonians The Church Catechism with Scripture Proofs The Old Testament History Juelli Apologia Ecclesise Anglicanae This Examination takes place on the first Saturday in each Term Students may present themselves for this Examination at the beginning of their Fourth Term No Student is allowed to go up for his final examina- tion in the same Term as that in which he shall pass his probationary examination At the close of the course of study an examina- tion takes place before Board of Examiners consisting of the Principal the Professors and the Lecturers of the Department To each Student who has merited such distinction by his attainments and by his good character during the period of his studies in King's College the Principal is empowered by the Council to grant Certificate of attain- ments and conduct which Certificate may be exhibited for the satisfaction of that Bishop to whom such Student may apply to be admitted as Candidate for Holy Orders The two Archbishops and twenty-five of the Bishops have consented to admit as Candidates for Holy Orders those Students who shall produce this Certificate The Bishop of Ely for local reasons only does not recognise the College Certificate VI The Council have distinctly provided that no Certificate can be given by the Principal to any Matriculated Student who has not kept the full period of Six Terms and passed the final
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