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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1863-1864-70

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0 THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT his own reading on the same subject and the blank page gives him the opportunity of entering in their right place the references or quotations that are necessary for this pur- pose quarto or octavo size will be found most useful Distinctness of writing and arrangement so that single glance may show the contents of each page is of importance and this may be promoted by running marginal analysis III Reading -Students are reminded that Lectures are intended to guide not to supersede their labours in reading and thinking for themselves Those who confine themselves to the study of their own notes will probably fail however painstaking to get from the Lectures the knowledge which they were meant to give The following List of Books is accordingly recommended to the Theological Students of King's College as containing those most likely to be helpful to them The letters and β indicate respectively in each subject what books the Student should if possible get for himself as all but indispensable and those which it will be enough for him to consult in the College Library or else- where -Dogmatic Theology Welchman on the Thirty-Nine Articles The last Eng- lish edition published by the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge Bickersteth on the Thirty-Nine Articles Waterland on the Athanasian Creed Edition pub- lished by the Society for Promoting Christian Know- ledge β Harold Browne's Exposition of the Thirty-Nine Ar- tides vols Harvey Ecclesiae Anglican8e Vindex Catholicus vols Pearson on the Creed Ed Burton vols Bull Fidei Nicaense Defensio Sylloge Confessionum Oxon Hardwick History of the Thirty-Nine Articles
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