Calendar: 1863-1864 Page 578
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INDEX 579 page Principal's Prize for Latin Verse- College 112 School 842 Professors and Masters Names of- Theological Department 64 Dep of Gen Lit and Science 85 Dep of Applied Sciences 129 Medical Department 17 Evening Classes 270 The School 329 Professorships Endowed- Chinese Language 104 Economic Science 8c Statistics 104 Proprietors List of 433 Public Reading Course of Fees 78 Hours of Attendance 79 Public Health Course on Fees 78 Hours of Attendance 79 Residence of Students- In College 372 In Private Families 375 Pupils of School 341 Rifle Corps 581 Sanscrit- Fees 100 Hours of Attendance 101 Scholars Names of- Worsley Foundation 16 Dep of Gen Lit and Science 116 Dep of the Applied Sciences 168 Warneford Foundation 233 Medical Department 235 The School 354 Scholarships Regulations for- Worsley 105 Inglis 106 Divinity 108 Dep of Gen Lit and Science 108 Dep of Applied Sciences 166 Warneford 207 Medical Department 214 Daniell 217 The School 346 Ο Ο page School King's College- Masters' Names 329 Division of Classics 330 Div of Modern Instruction 331 Math and Arith Course 335 Extra Instruction 336 Rules as to Admission 337 Hours of Attendance 337 Dining Hall &c 338 Vacations Examinations 338 Fees 339 Use of Books 340 Residence of Pupils 341 College Privileges 341 Prizes 342 Scholarships Rules of 346 Subjects 1864 350 Choral Exhibitioners 353 Literary Union 354 Scholars Names of 354 Prizemen 1863 359 Names of Pupils 364 Schools in Union- Regulations and Privileges 458 Prizemen 459 Shares former Holders of 429 Present Proprietors 433 Society of Apothecaries- Rules of 260 Spanish- Lectures 295 Fees 298 Hours of Attendance 300 Stephen Prize 113 Students' Boxes for Gowns Sec 377 Sub-Dean Medical Department 185 Surgeons College of 257 Surgical Registrar 228 Surgery- Lectures 179 Operations in 189 Fees 199 Hours of Attendance 202
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