Calendar: 1863-1864 Page 560
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560 THE SCHOOL his ιδία πολίίΐ Explain ή έρημος της Ιουδαίας το opos η θάλασσα Explain the term Έλληνίς applied to the Syro-Phcenician woman 16 Give the meanings and derivations of the words-κορβάν -ωσαννά-Υεθσημανή βαρ in names of persons βηθ in names of places and account for the constructions ης είχε το θνγάτμιον αυτής πνεύμα άκάθαρτον αμήν λέγω ΰμίν fl δοθήσεταί rfj γενεά ταύτη σημε'ιον και άνέπεσον πρασιάί πρασιαί 17 Explain the following words άγγαρενω-άδημονέω- έντρέπομαι -έμβρίμώμαι-γαζοφυλάκιον-ζέστης- πνγμη 7τισ- τικός ko'lvos 18 State the localities of and particulars connected with the following countries and places -Idumaea Decapolis Dal- manutha Gadara Bethsaida Caesarea Philippi Jericho II -Catitt 3nnalc ib Give short account of Tacitus and mention the peculi- arities of style which have struck you in this book Translate with historical and critical notes the following passages Dicebatur'contra pietatem erga parentem et tempora reipub- licse ohtentui sumpta Ceterum cupidine dominandi concitos per largitionem veteranos paratum ab adulescente privato exercitum corruptas consulis legiones simulatam Pompeianarum gratiam partium mox ubi decreto patrum fasces et jus praetoris invaserit caesis Hirtio et Pansa sive hostis illos seu Pansam venenuin vulneri adfusum sui milites Hirtium et machinator doli Casar abstulerat utriusque copias occupavisse extortum invito senatu consulatum armaque quae in Antonium acceperit contra rem- publicam versa proscriptionem civium divisiones agrorum ne ipsi3 quidem qui fecere laudatas Sane Cassii et Brutorum exitus patemis inimicitiis datus quamquam fas sit privata odia publicis utilitatibus remittere sed Pompeium imagine pacis sed Lepidum specie amicitia deceptos post Antonium Tarentino Brundusino-
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