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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1863-1864-557

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MEDICAL DEPARTMEIvT 557 Describe the changes occurring during the digestion of bread and butter What do you mean by the crystallization of blood Describe fully the mucous membrane of the lower twelve inches of the ileum caecum and ascending colon of the human subject All your answers are to be fully illustrated with diagrams III -CijnntStri If mercury melts at-39 tin at 442 and lead at 620 what are the corresponding temperatures on the centi- grade scale The latent heat of steam is said to be 966 state what is meant by this and by what means the fact represented is ex- perimentally verified What is meant by the specific heat of body Illustrate by an example the mode in which it is determined What is the construction of gold-leaf electroscope De- scribe the mode of charging it by induction and explain its application to the distinction of the two kinds of electricity How is Harris's unit jar employed in the measurement of electricity State the principal facts ascertained respecting the diffusion of liquids and define what is meant by crystalloid and col- loid substance Explain the mode of action of the hydrometer IV -Cijtiiristrj Enumerate the principal constituents of the atmosphere State their relative proportions How may those which occur uncombined be obtained in pure form Describe their pro- perties when thus obtained Give proofs of the composition of water by weight and by
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