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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1863-1864-553

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MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 553 SECOND TEAR SCHOLARSHIP -3natom What muscles are put in action in spreading the digits of the hand Enumerate the holes in the base of the skull seen from its interior and state what passes through each What is the anatomical explanation of the fact that foreign bodies usually pass into the right rather than the left bronchus What are the anatomical conditions which render the operation of tracheotomy more difficult in the woman and in the child than in the man What is the anatomical explanation of the lateral deflection of the uvula in some cases and not in others of palsy of the portio dura What is observable in the dissection of space bounded above by Poupart's ligament externally by the sartorius and internally by the adductor longus taking the parts successively from the integument down to the surfaces of the muscles Mem no muscle to be removed If pancreas be removed from the body how can you distinguish its surfaces extremities and borders so as to place it in position before you Describe the male urethra from its commencement at the neck of the bladder to the external orifice Describe the ankle joint 10 Describe the openings of and into the nasal cavities in their recent state II ϊ νύίαΧαζ1 WHICH tissue undergoes most rapid change grows fastest and requires most nourishment-tendon bone dentine or nerve Give full reasons for your conclusions Contrast the formation of bile with the secretion of urine
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