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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1863-1864-550

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550 MEDICAL DEPARTMENT Deflerreidj flanb baljer fajl ganj otlcin gegen fane geinbe berufen ft φ "" י bag beutfcfje Sfteid ju beivafyren Sanber ju befyaupten bie tfym berettS entrifjen renjen crjufletlen bte fd 0n Son ben Setnben uberf rttten rearen Unter Ijanblungcn rcaren nur moglict rcenn rojjbritanien aKe feine Sroberungen rflwSgeben Deflerreidj unb arbinien aKe tyre SBerlufle batten anetfennen roHen II Decline the German of-this energetical power-French liberty-onr English state Conjugate the indicative and subjunctive present and imper- feet the imperative and give the participle past of neljmen geben treten fonnen bteten fleljen Conjugate the indicative and subjunctive perfect and plu- perfect of bleiben State the characteristic differences of compound separable and inseparable verbs and illustrate them by examples III In which year did the Cape of Good Hope fall into the power of the English What are the dates of the battles of Arcole and Marengo Express -The battle of Arcole was fearful battle It lasted three days Both parties fought gallantly Napoleon wrote to Carnot "Never yet has battle-field been so much contested as that of Arcole have almost no more generals The Austrian army had lost 211 men the French about 400 IX Jite&ical Bepartmtnt SENIOR SCHOLARSHIP -Snatomn From what sources does the Vena Portse derive its blood Haw are its branches distributed in the substance cf the liver
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