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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1863-1864-534

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534 APPLIED SCIENCES VII Department of tfte 8ρρΗε& Sciences iHatjjcmatiiS The Mathematical papers are the same in each case as those given for the Department of General Literature and Science MIDDLE SCHOLARSHIPS manufacturing 2lrt antJ iHacijintrji What are the laws which govern the action of the pen- dulum what are the resistances to its action and how are they overcome Sketch and describe the action of the striking part of clock Sketch the arrangement of levers in the Stanhope printing press and show how the pressure is increased towards the end of the pull of the lever In Cowper's cylinder printing machine show how the forms of type are inked and how the paper is conducted through the machine and printed on both sides Describe and illustrate by sketches any methods with which you may be acquainted of giving the reciprocating motion to the table of the printing machine Describe the process of making coal gas illustrate your description by sketches of the apparatus employed from the retorts to the gas-holder How are the materials mixed and prepared for making bricks Describe and sketch any machine with which you may be acquainted employed in their manufacture How are the straight lengths of earthenware drain-pipes made how are the bends made
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