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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1863-1864-509

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INGLIS SCHOLARSHIPS 509 Give briefly the parliamentary history of the reign Examine Elizabeth's character as woman and as queen 10 Contrast the state of the nation in 1558 and in 1603 III -Ety paper on "JspenSer'3 dFaeru urcn" ftet for ϊηζΐίδ £d 01arsi tp for tije Cngltiij Language anil Literature inglt's cijolarsfnp for tftc lEncjfts Language anli ittratuw -Spenser's tfatw ueen Give brief sketch of Spenser's life Mention the chief events in the history of England during the period that Spenser flourished Point out any direct reference to those events in the poet's writings Sketch the plan of the Faery Queen Describe the main characters in the first book and their difference in the poet's conception and treatment from similar conceptions in the old Arthurian Legends What was there in the times in the studies and pursuits of the classes to whom the Faery Queen was addressed and in Spenser's life and turn of thinking which fostered the love of allegory above other forms of poetry Was allegory universally popular in England From what observations of the poet should we be led to infer that teaching by allegory had its detractors in Spenser's days equally as in those of Buny&n Quote two or three stanzas from the Faery Queen analyse the language and show by instances that it was intentionally antiquated
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