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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1863-1864-505

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DIVINITY SCHOLARSHIP 505 The origin progress and issue of Puritanism The state of theological parties in England at the time of the Restoration How far were there grounds for hoping for restored Unity How were the hopes disappointed What do you know of the following persons as connected with the history of the Prayer-Book Whitgift Hooker Overal-Evelyn-Baxter-Cartwright -3tullt apologia State briefly the character of the controversy with Rome at the time when Jewell wrote his Apology By whom was the Church of England chiefly attacked What accusations does Jewell principally set himself to refute On what instances of Papal arrogance and interference with national rights does Jewell particularly dwell Compare the teaching of Jewell as to the two Sacraments with that of the Articles and the Prayer Book Translate the following passages Tamen ut aliquid succession largiamur an solus Papa successit Petro Qua ergo in re qua in religione in qua func- tione in qua parte vitae illi successit Quid unquam aut Petrus Papae simile habuit aut Papa Petro Nisi hoc forte velint dicere Petrum cum esset Romae nunquam docuisse evangelium nun- quam pavisse gregem abstulisse claves regni coelorum abscon- disse thesauros domini sui tantum sedisse in Laterano et omnia spatia purgatorii et suppliciorum genera digito descripsisse animas miseras alias in cruciatum relegasse alias accepta mer- cede repente pro arbitrio exemisse missas privatas quae in omnibus angulis dicerentur tradidisse sacra mysteria summissa voce et aliena lingua mussitasse Eucharistiam in omnibus tem- plis et altaribus collocasse eamque ante se quocunque incederet in asturcone gradario cum luminibus et tintinnabulis circum- tulisse oleum ceram Ianam campanas calices templa altaria sacro anhelitu consecrasse jubilea gratias immunitates expec- tationes praeventione3 annatas pallia usum palliorum bullae indulgentias diplomata vendidisse sese caput Ecclesiae et sum- mum Pontificem et episcoporum episcopum et solum sanctissi-
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