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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1863-1864-496

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496 TRENCH GREEK TESTAMENT PRIZE What rules does St Paul lay down in connexion with this passage for the exercise of the gift of tongues Give examples of the use of the article κατ εξοχήν as generalizing as particularizing In what position are nouns which by tlieir meaning require an article used anarthrous Give instances On what grounds has the genuineness of the second Epistle of St Peter been questioned What is the actual evidence external and internal in its favour II Crenel Grccft Testament $ri -Cijc ikrmon on tlje iHount Discuss briefly the relations between this discourse and that in Luke vi 20-49 stating your own belief as to the identity or difference of the two and giving grounds for it Where else in the Gospels do we find parallels to portions of it What remarkable various readings connect themselves with the textual criticism of the Sermon on the Mount State briefly the evidence for and against the textus receptus in each case Specify the chief points of contrast in form and substance between the teaching of Our Lord and that of the Rabbis of Jerusalem To what extent does he contrast his own command- ments with those given by Moses To what extent had the ethical teaching of the Sermon on the Mount been anticipated by Jewish or Gentile thinkers Quote any passages that indicate such an anticipation and show that they fall short of its purity Trace the influence of the Sermon on the Mount on the theology and life of the Christian Church What have been the chief distortions or exaggerations of its precepts
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