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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1863-1864-492

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492 THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT -ffntroUuction to IH tEcitamcnt Enumerate the different titles of God occurring in the Book of Genesis Give the meaning of the words and point out the difference between them and the word Jehovah Prove that the exclusive use of Eloliim or Jehovah in dif- ferent portions of the Old Testament does not prove two authors Translate and explain the meaning of Exod vi Show that there is no contradiction between Gen -ii and Gen ii to the end Prove that the Pentateuch was known from the days of Jehoshaphat back to the time of Joshua VI tinto Translate from Hebrew or Greek Isaiah lvii 1-11 Analyse the words of the 8th verse Notice unusual punctuations various readings and words of which the translation is doubtful Write short notes on the verses translated VII-Etecijmtlorfsi gmtopste bangcltca 45-56 The Pharisee and the woman that was sinner Luke vii Examine the spiritual condition of each What was the probable motive of the former in asking Our Lord to be his guest What popular traditions are connected with the latter Is there any ground for them Describe the phenomena and discuss the nature of demonia- cal possessions as shown within the limits of these sections Examine Our Lord's treatment of the Gadarene demoniac in- eluding the destruction of the swine as spiritual discipline Distinguish between the Parable the Allegory the Fable and the Myth Why did the disciples wonder at Our Lord's
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