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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1863-1864-476

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478 THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT Quid autem est inscitius quam earn naturam quse omnes res sit complexa non optimam dici aut quum sit optima non primum animantem esse deinde rationis et consilii compotem postremo sapientem Qui enim potest aliter esse optima Neque enim si stirpium similis sit aut ettam bestiarum optima putanda sit potius quam deterrima nec vero si rationis particeps sit nec sit tamen principio sapiens non sit deterior mundi potius quam humana condicio homo enim sapiens fieri potest mundus autem si in reterno prseteriti temporis spatio fuit iusipiens nunquam profecto sapientiam consequetur ita erit homine deterior Quod quoniam absurdum est et sapiens principio mundus et deus habendus est Neque enim est quidquam aliud praeter mundum cui nihil ahsit quodque undique aptum atque perfectum expletumque sit omnibus suis numeris et partibus Scite enim Chrysippus ut clipei causa involucrum vaginam autem gladii sic prseter mundum csetera omnia aliorum causa esse generate ut eas fruges atque fructus quos terra gignit animantium causa ani- mantes autem hominum ut equum vehendi causa arandi bovem venandi et custodiendi canem II -CranSlatE into ILattn For Cleanthes says that no food is so heavy as not to be digested in day and night Moreover they think that the food which you commonly take has something to do with the sharpness of the mind Neither does it matter much whether he says that there are no gods or whether he deprives them of all management and action for it does not seem to me that he has any existence who does nothing The shadow of the earth coming across the sun causes the night III -Eiturgt'cal anU onulitic eolosj What conclusions probable or certain may be drawn from the New Testament as to the practices of the Primitive Church in the celebration of the Lord's Supper
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