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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1863-1864-47

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annual report 47 at the charge of the Nightingale Fund for the reception of poor married women of whom ninety-seven were confined within the Hospital in 1862 and that in addition to the direct benefit thus given to the poor Midwife-nurses are by this means specially trained for the important object of attending married women at their own homes under the direction of Medical men 10 That the entire cost of conducting the Hospital cannot be put down at much less than 000 per annum 11 That to meet this regular expenditure the Committee have not one penny of funded property remaining at their disposal and their annual subscriptions only amount to about 800 so that they have to beg from year to year for every farthing of the remainder 12 That notwithstanding all their expenses the debts of the Committee for the support of the Hospital were only 697 3i at the close of 1862 and these have since been paid by the sale of the last remnant of their funded property 13 That in consequence partly of extensive alterations during the progress of the building rendered necessary by the new nursing arrangements and for the increased comfort of the Patients partly of expenses which could not from their nature be included in the contract and partly from circum- stances which the Committee endeavoured but unsuccessfully to control an additional debt of nearly 000 has been incurred and is still due for completing and furnishing the two large portions of the new Hospital which are already opened 14 That the above sum of 000 together with the amount necessary for the current expenses of 1863 constitute toge- ther the sum of 15 000 which the Committee must raise during the present year if tixe doors of the Hospital are to be kept open King's College School is reported of most favourably by the Head-Master Dr Major and the Vice-Master Mr Fearnley The Council are fully sensible of the debt of grati- tude which they owe for this result to both those gentlemen
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