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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1863-1864-41

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ANNUAL REPORT 41 The number of Students in the Theological Department has owing to accidental causes slightly declined since the last Report but their high character for good conduct and efficient work in the classes and the confidence reposed in their qualifications for the Ministry of the Church remain undiminished The demand indeed for Certificated Students on the part of Incumbents tq fill vacant Curacies is largely in excess of the supply The total number of Students who have received the Principal's Certificate during fourteen years is 374 of whom 143 were placed in the First Class at the final Examination It is with very mixed feelings that the Council advert to the elevation of one of the most eminent of their Professors from the Deanery of Exeter to the See of Gloucester and Bristol D1 Ellicott as the Professor of the Exegesis of the New Tes- tament during four years had applied his great powers and erudition as Divine to the careful training of each Student who came under his care and it redounded not little to the honour of the College that the later portions of his great work on the Epistles of St Paul have been in the first instance delivered for the benefit of his Theological Class It would hardly become the Council to enlarge upon qualifica- tions which have won for their Professor of the Exegesis of the New Testament an European reputation but they cannot refrain from saying that regretting as they could not fail to do the loss which the College sustains in the removal of the Bishop's influence and teaching from this College they rejoice unfeignedly that it has pleased the good providence of God to call him to wider sphere of usefulness in the Church The vacancy thus caused the Council have without hesita- tion filled up by the appointment of the Rev Ε Plumptre Chaplain of the College and hitherto Professor of Pastoral Theology to the Chair of the Exegesis of the New Testa- ment For seventeen years the Chaplain has discharged all his duties with exemplary zeal faithfulness and ability and he has done special service of late by undertaking with the sanction of the Council considerable portion of the Exege-
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