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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1863-1864-333

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THE SCHOOL 333 Third Class -Caesar Latin Exercises History Geography Chemistry English Composition Repetition Dictation Writing Arithmetic French and German Drawing Lower Fourth and Upper Fourth Classes -Virgil Ca sar Latin Exercises History Geography Chemistry English Composition Repetition Dictation Algebra Euclid Arithmetic Book-keeping French and German Land- scape and Engineering Drawing Fifth and Sixth Classes -Horace Livy Latin Exercises Differential Calculus Trigonometry Algebra Euclid Arithmetic English Composition History Geography Book-keeping Chemistry Construction of Maps Land- scape and Engineering Drawing French and German Pupils intended for the Army Navy or Engineers learn Mathematics while the rest of the class are at Book-keeping In addition to the regular course of instruction in the Modern Languages it has been thought advisable to intro- duce French and German Conversational Classes with the view of imparting to the Pupil by the daily habit of Conversation facility of expressing himself in these Languages and thereby superseding as far as possible the necessity of residence on the Continent Accordingly there have been formed three Classes of French Conversation adapted to the different degrees of proficiency of the Pupils in that Language The First Class attends on Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thurs- day and Friday from 12 to o'clock and is composed only of such Pupils as can speak the Language with tolerable fluency Classes and consist of Pupils less advanced and attend on the afternoons of Monday Tuesday Thursday and Friday The Class of Military Engineering and Architectural Draw- ing is open to all Boys who have competent knowledge of the Elements of Euclid and Decimal Fractions The following tables are given to show the actual work in Two of the Classes in this Division
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