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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1863-1864-301

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EVENING CLASSES 301 VI Library The Library of the College will be open during the Winter Course for the purposes of study to all Gentlemen joining any of these Classes from 30 to every Monday Tuesday Thursday and Friday without additional fee Associates and Students of the regular Departments of the College are admitted to the Library during the evening on payment of 10i 6d each VII -Summer Course 1864 This Course will commence on Monday April and end on Friday June 24 the last week being devoted to examinations on the following subjects Monday Subject Name Lecturer CHEMISTRY Professor Bioxam GREEK- Class -Homer Iliad Books and VI Rev McCaul Class II -Valpy's Delectus White -Xeno-l phon Anabasis Book John Lamb Esq Grammar -Arnold's Accidence Clots for reading higher Greek subjects will be formed on the entry of eight names GERMAN- Class -Schiller Revolt of the Nether- lands Book IV jReT Dr intzke Class II -Elementary Herr Schneider BOTANY Professor Bentlet The object of this Course will be to enable the Student to acquire practical knowledge of Plants and the Natural Orders 80 that he may become acquainted with the names structure general characters arrange- ment and uses of our common indigenous and garden Plants Tuesday MATHEMATICS- Class Rev H0w Class II James Pierce Esq ITALIAN Professor Pistrvcci SPANISH Don Β Aguiree OFFICIAL HAND-WRITING as required byV τ τΓΠ Esn the Civil Service Commissioners JLf יי EUSI "1
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