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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1863-1864-298

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298 evening classes XXV POLITICAL ECONOMY Bay and Hour of Attendance-Friday from to Course of Lectures on the Elements Causes Conditions and Phenomena of National Wealth XXVI LOGIC Bay and Hour of Attendance-Friday from to The Definition of Logic-Elementary Parts of Mental Science-Forms of Thought-Language in its relations to Thought-Theory of Predication-Division Definition Causa tion-Kinds and Properties of Propositions-The Pure Syllo- gism-The Syllogism of Rhetoric-Induction-Circumstantial and Chain Evidence Hypothetical Reasoning- Fallacies- the Analysis of Compound Arguments III If any number of Gentlemen not less than Ten shall wish for instruction in any other subject such as Hebrew Mineralogy &c arrangements will be made if possible to meet their wishes IV Fees and Regulations as to Admisston The following are the Fees for the Winter Session For any single Course except Divinity and Practi- cal Chemistry £1 lis 6d For the Divinity Class only 10 6d For Practical Chemistry only £2 2t The Divinity Class is free to all Students attending any other Class For Four Classes £5 5i For Five Classes £6 11 3d In either case 10s 6d extra if practical Chemistry is included
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