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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1863-1864-292

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292 EVENING CLASSES The Lectures will be made as popular as is consistent with the subject and by means of preparations diagrams &c as demonstrative as possible Winter Session Organized and Unorganized Bodies contrasted Physical and Vital Forces and Phenomena examined and compared Development of Heat Light and Electricity in Animals The Nature of Life Dormant Vitality Incubation Ger- mination Death The Structure and the Mechanical Chemical and Vital Properties of the several Tissues of which the Bodies of Animals are composed Nature and Composition of the Principal Substances used as Food by Animals Comparative Structure and Actions of the Organs of Digestion Absorption and Assimilation Composition and Properties of the Chyle Lymph and Blood Comparative Structure Arrangement and Actions of the Organs of Circulation and Respiration in the Animal Series Chemical Effects of Respiration-Effects of defective ven- tilation Nutrition Growth Disintegration and Decay of the tissues of the Body Animal Mechanics XIX STRUCTURAL PHYSIOLOGICAL AND ECONOMIC BOTANY Bay and Hour of Attendance-Monday from to The object of this Course is to give general sketch of the structure and functions of plants to show their influence in creation and their uses as food for man
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