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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1863-1864-288

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288 evening classes Coal -Composition and special applications of its principal varieties Coal-Gas -Destructive Distillation exemplified in its pro- duction-Explosions in Coal-mines Important families of Hydro-carbons-Classification in Homologous Series-Isome- rism and Polymerism Ammonia -Its importance as Chemical Type-Its con- version into Nitrous and Nitric Acids Nitric Acid -Artificial production of Saltpetre-Useful applications of Nitric Acid-Separation of Silver from Gold- Gunpowder and Gun-cotton Boron and Silicon-Useful applications of Boracic and Silicic Acids-Chemistry of the Glass and Earthenware Manu- factures Sulphur -Sulphurous and Sulphuric Acids their uses in the Arts-Bleaching of Straw Silk and Wool-Refining of Silver-Conversion of Starch into Dextrine and Sugar of Paper into Vegetable Parchment Phosphorus -Its extraction from bones and remarkable allotropic modifications-Manufacture of Lucifer Matches Common Salt -A Chemical Type-Its extraction from natural sources-Hydrochloric or Muriatic Acid Chlorine -Its applications in Bleaching and Disinfecting -Preparation and Properties of Chloride of Lime Bromine Iodine and Fluorine their Chemical History and Uses Prussiate of Potash -Manufacture and uses in Dyeing and Calico-Printing-Hydrocyanic Acid-Cyanogen-Prussian Blue-Compound Radicals XVII MECHANICS and their application to engineering and machinery Days and Hours of Attendance-Monday and Thursday from t07 Physical Force-The Correlation of Matter and Force- Illustrations of various kinds of Force in Nature
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