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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1863-1864-285

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EVENING CLASSES 285 COMMERCIAL LAW Day and Hour of Attendance-Thursday from to Twelve Lectures on Commercial Law With illustrations of cases from the Reports of British Courts of Justice Two Lectures on Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes On the Form of Bills and Notes Parties to the Bill Stamp Duties Indorsement II Acceptance Payment Protest Notice Summary Proceedings Two Lectures on the Contract of Partnership with Limited and Unlimited Liability What is Partnership Deed Partnership Property Rights and Duties of Partners II Disputes Rights of Third Persons Dissolution Divi- sion Bankruptcy Two Lectures on the Contract of Sale Who may contract Effect of Contract Statute of Frauds Duties of Seller II Delivery Constructive Delivery Payment Lien Stoppage in transitu Two Lectures on Agency AVhomay be Principal and Agent Extent of Authority Duties of Agents Rights of Agents II Rights of Third Persons against Principal and Agent Reputed Ownership When Agency at an end Two Lectures on the Contract of Affreightment On Charter-parties Duties of the Owner Duties of Charterer Demurrage II On Bills of Lading Duties of Master Duties of Con- signees Freight
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