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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1863-1864-280

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Page content

2S0 EVENING CLASSES VII VIII Growth of Commerce amongst the Nations of Southern Europe-The Crusades-The Italian Re- publics-The Travels of Marco Polo IX The Northmen-Their Voyages and Discoveries- Their Visits to the Western Continent The Fifteenth Century-Efforts of the Portuguese to reach India by maritime route-Discovery of the Cape of Good Hope-Voyage of Vasco da Gama-Portuguese dominion in the East XI Columbus-His discoveries and their results XII Progress of Spanish Conquest and Settlement in the New World-Amerigo Vespucci Balboa- Magellan-First Circumnavigation of the Globe- Conquest of Mexico and Peru-The great Rivers of the AVestern Hemisphere-First descent of the Amazon XIII XIV The English French and Dutch-Their re- spective shares in maritime adventure and dis- covery-First English Circumnavigation of the Globe-Voyages to the North-First Navigation of the St Lawrence XV Efforts to effect communication between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans-The North-AVest Passage XVI Discoveries in the Southern Ocean-Terra Australis -Discovery and Settlement of the Great South Land-Australian Explorers-Leichhardt-Ken- nedy-Sturt-Macdoual Stuart-Burke and Wills XVII Inland discovery-Problems of African Geography -The Nile and the Niger-Bruce-Mungo Park- Lander Livingston Speke and Grant-The Sources of the Nile
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