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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1863-1864-268

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268 MEDICAL DEPARTMENT with the general plan upon which these are constructed and the functions and relations of their most important organs To promote the study of Natural History as most important adjunct of preliminary to liberal medical education that of Comparative Anatomy Zoology or Botany if properly cultivated by means of specimens for even short period being eminently calculated to develop habits of close observation and to strengthen those powers of reasoning upon observed facts which must be habitually exercised by medical men everywhere but which must be exercised with the greatest energy and promptitude by those who practice in tropical climate and who are often thrown wholly upon their own resources The general examination in these sciences will be elementary and will embrace very limited range of technical terms At the written examination considerable number of questions will be put with the view of allowing each Candidate to select such subjects as he has attended to and thereby of enabling the Examiners lo ascertain the particular departments of science in which the verbal examination should be conducted With those Candidates who have attained proficiency in any branch of these sciences the verbal examination will be pur3ued in the branch selected so as to ascertain the full extent of their knowledge VIII REGULATIONS ΟΓ THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY Admiralty Somerset House The Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty are pleased to direct that the following Regulations relative to the Examination of Can- didates for the Appointment of Assistant-Surgeon in the Royal Navy shall in future be adopted That Candidate for entry into the Royal Navy shall make written applica- tion to that effect addressed to the Secretary of the Admiralty Somerset House on the receipt of which application he will he furnished with the Regulations and printed form to he filled up by him to show if he possesses the required qualifications As vacancies occur the number of Candidates required will be ordered to attend at the Admiralty Office bringing with them the requisite Certificates showing that they are fully qualified by Age Professional Ability &c when they will be examined by Board of Medical Officers to be named by their Lordships Such Candidates as shall have been found in all respects competent for the Appointment of Assistant Surgeon will be forthwith nominated to one of the Naval Hospitals at Home to await Appointments to any of Her Majesty's Ships or should their services not be immediately required their names will be duly registered for early Appointments as Vacancies may occur No person will be admitted as an Assistant-Surgeon in the Royal Navy who shall not produce certificate of being registered under the Medical Act and diploma from one of the Royal Colleges of Surgeons of England Edinburgh
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