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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1863-1864-254

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254 MEDICAL DEPARTMENT Of having been engaged in professional studies during four years of which at least three years shall have been passed at recognised Medical School or Schools and of having attended to Medical Practice at recognised Hospital or Hospitals during two years of that period six months to the Surgical Practice and six months to the Clinical Study of Diseases of Women The two latter may be attended concurrently with the attendance on Medical Practice VI Of having studied the following subjects Anatomy with Dictions During "'S Two Winter Sessions Physiology of Six Months each Chemistry Six Months Practical Chemistry Three Months Materia Medica Three Months Practical Pharmacy Three Months Botany Three Months ד τί ל Two Winter Sessions Principles and Practice of Medicine of Six Months each It is desired that the study of the Principles and Practice of Medicine should comprise the study of the Principles of Public Health Morbid Anatomy Six Months Or certified attendance in the Post-Mortem Room during the period of Clinical Study Clinical Medicine By Clinical Medicine is intended Lectures on Cases under observation or special Instruction at the bed-side certified by the Teacher Principles and Practice of Surgery Six Months Midwifery and the Diseases of Women Three Months Certificate must also be produced of having attended not less than twenty Labours Forensic Medicine Three Months VII Of having passed the Professional Examination Students preparing for the Examination for the Licence are required either to register at this College within fourteen days from the commencement of each Session or to furnish proof before admission to Examination of having been thus registered by one of the Bodies named in Schedule of the Medical Act The Preliminary Examination Every Candidate for the College Licence except in cases specially ex- en pted is required to have passed an Examination by Examiners appointed by the College on the following subjects English Latin English History Modem Geography Mathematics Natural Philosophy or he shall produce testimonials satisfactory to the Ex- aminers of his proficiency in those branches of knowledge and he shall undergo an Examination in regard to any subject to which his Testimonials do not extend
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