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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1863-1864-246

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246 MEDICAL DEPARTMENT Ensor Alfred 14Evans Edward Charles Fawcett Francis Molinex Fawcus Robert Speciall 124 Fenn Edward Liveing Ferris John Spencer Finden Woodforde Flint Frederic Fothergill Thomas Prince Fox Cornelius Benjamin Fox Francis Gedge Joseph Gooding Ralph Goold Horatio Bate Gould Franklin Greenfield Charles Bailey Greening Frederick Jos Griffiths David Rhys Grigg William Chapman Grimes John Groves Joseph 134Haines Richd Wheeler Harding William Henry Harley Edward Harries Gwynne Henry Hett Geoffrey Hewetson Richard Hickman Richard Murhall Hill Adolphus Frederick Howells Thomas Howes Frank Charles Hunt Henry John Hussey John Fraser Hyde Henry Jones James Julius George Frederic Kane Patrick 34579 Kelly Charles Kempthorne Henry Law Kendall Walter Benger Kerswill John Bedford King Ed Holborow Green King John Kinneir Richard Langford John Whilton Last Raymond Leach Matthew Leacock Charles George Le Sueur Ryk Tulbagh Little Edward Moore Mackinnon Henry Wm Madeley George Henry Manisty Francis Stewart Mannings George 2Marshall Frederick Matthew Alfred John Mathews John Meadows Robert 15 Metcalfe Fenwick Miller Andrew 8Murray Wm Berkeley Nankivf ll Herbert ×™ Nell Richard Frederick Newton Thos Wm Noyes Frederick 24 Oakley John Peele John Richard Philpot Charles Wm Plomley John Frederick Pollard William Fox Pollock Edward James ×™ Powles Revett Coleridge Pritchard George Fred Pritt James Ralfe Charles Henry Richards Joseph Peeke
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