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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1863-1864-206

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206 MEDICAL DEPARTMENT All Matriculated Students of this Department may be Can- didates for these Prizes Candidates must produce Certificates of regular attendance at the College Chapel as well as Cer- tificates of having passed Two of the Terminal examinations mentioned in Section Religious Instruction The next Examination will take place on Friday Oct 1863 upon the following subjects The Prophecy of Jeremiah The Gospel according to St Matthew The Thirty-nine Articles-Article II The names of all Candidates must be sent in writing to the Sub-Dean of the Medical Department before two o'clock on Saturday October 1863 and after this hour no name will be received The following will be the subjects for this Examination in October 1864 The Second Book of Chronicles The Gospel according to St Luke The Thirty-nine Articles-those lectured on by the Prin- cipal in the Summer Session of 18C4 3yaar1tefor& rife iin&otoment These Prizes were founded by the Rev Dr Warneford for the encouragement of the study of Theology among the Matriculated Medical Students of King's College There are two Prizes the first consisting of medal of the value of ten pounds and books of the value of fifteen pounds the second consisting of medal of the value of five pounds and books of the value of ten pounds The Candidates for these Prizes are examined in-1 Two of the branches of Medical Science taught in the College to be selected by the Candidates want of sufficient knowledge
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