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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1863-1864-142

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142 APPLIED SCIENCES II Inorganic Chemistry Chemical Nomenclature Non-Metallic Elements st Atmospheric Elements Oxygen -Ozone Combustion -Nitrogen -The Atmosphere -Water Natural forms of Water-Rain Spring Saline and Mineral Waters Hard and Soft Water Sea Water -Hydro- gen -Carbonic Acid -Carbon-Carbonic Oxide Nitric Acid manufacture of Aquafortis Other Oxides of Nitrogen -Ammonia 2nd The Halogens Chlorine -Hydrochloric Acid Aqua Regia Oxides of Chlorine Bleaching Compounds Bromine Iodine Fluorine 3rd Combustible Elements Sulphur -Sulphurous and Sulphuric Acids manufacture of Oil of Vitriol Hyposulphites Sulphuretted Hydrogen Bisulphide of Carbon Phosphorus -Phosphoric Acid Other Oxides of Phospho- rus Phosphuretted Hydrogen Silicon -Silica Fluoride of Silicon Boron -Boracic Acid Other Compounds of the Non-Metallic Elements Hydrocarbons -defiant Gas Marsh Gas Safety Lamp Nature of Flame Blowpipes Oxalic Acid Cyanogen Hydrocyanic Acid Isomerism Metallic Elements General Properties of the Metals Metallurgic Operations Mechanical and Chemical treatment of Ores Theory of Salts 1st Group-Metals of the Alkalies Potassium -Potash Nitre Gunpowder Pearlash Alka- limetry Sodium -Rock Salt Sulphate and Carbonate of Soda Varieties of Glass
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