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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1863-1864-140

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140 APPLIED SCIENCES II They then proceed to make plans elevations and sections of simple solids to teach them the elementary principles of co-ordinate or solid Geometry on which all drawing is based III These principles are then applied to the delineation of parts and details of machinery and building deducing new sections or elevations from plans of authentic works set before them As it is primary object to make the Students finished draughtsmen none are allowed to proceed to higher section till they have made satisfactory progress in the previous ones while the principles on which the object represented are con- structed are pointed out to them to guard against their becoming mere copyists Second Year Students who have made satisfactory advance in the first year's course may at their own option either proceed to- Higher constructions of solid Geometry and its applica- tion in Isometric and Perspective Projection to the con- struction of Maps &c or To making more complete drawings of Machines Engines Buildings and Engineering Works in general But the division chosen by each Student must be adhered to during the current term this rule is necessary to guard against desultory study Occasional Students may take up any branch of the Course for which they may be qualified The Course-Book is the Elements of Practical Geometry published by the Council of Education and written by Pro- fessor Bradley The examinations of Candidates for Scholarships and for Certificates of Approval and Honour comprise the sub- ject of Descriptive Geometry without competent knowledge of which no Student will be recommended by the Professor
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