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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1863-1864-109

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GENERAL LITERATURE AND SCIENCE 109 and not exceeded nine Terms Students of the Evening Class Department are subject to special conditions for which see Evening Class Department Sect XI The next Examination will take place on Thursday April 14 1864 in the follow- jng subjects The Book of the Prophet Joel in Hebrew or German Ellicott's Hulsean Lectures -IV Trench's Synonymes of the Greek Testament Blunt's History of the Reformation The History of the Jews from the return from Babylon to the Destruction of Jerusalem Butler's Sermons -III XII -XV The names of all Candidates must be given in writing to the Secretary and the fees for the Easter Term paid before four o'clock on Thursday March 31 1864 after which hour no name will be received No Student can be elected to this Scholarship more than twice The payment for this Scholarship will commence in the October succeeding the election and will be continued quarterly for one year II Junior fljolarsiljtps Two in each year of Ā£40 each tenable for Two Tears These Scholarships are open to all Matriculated Students of this Department not being Associates either from this De- partment or that of the Applied Sciences who are at least in their seventh Term but who have not exceeded nine Terms either in this Department or in this Department and in that of the Applied Sciences taken together One Scholarship is given for proficiency in Classics and the other for proficiency in Mathematics All Candidates for these Scholarships must have passed satisfactorily the terminal Examination held at the preceding Christmas in every one of the subjects prescribed for the regular work of this Department including French or
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