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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1862-1863-477

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470 THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT promised were but fable the perverse suggestion steals into our hearts How will His promise be fulfilled Then fast bound and shut up in our own narrow thoughts we narrow also the power of Him whose knowledge is far beyond all worlds In short he does the most grievous wrong to God who does not expect far more of Him than he can comprehend in the petty measure of his senses Meanwhile however the word of the Lord must be conjoined with His power for nothing is more preposterous than to ask what God can do without regard to His will Indeed the word ought to go before like lamp to light the way that so His power and His will may be held together by an indissoluble bond III -Sutltr'i analog $art Show that there is no reason from nature or analogy to think that death destroys our living powers Meet the objections urged against what religion teaches us concerning future state of punishment Show that we are usually under God's moral government and illustrate this from the fact that virtue as such is re- warded and vice as such punished and from the natural tendency of virtue to prevail over vice Show that our present state as under moral governor is state of trial and that the circumstances of the trial are the same in nature and in religion How does it appear that this life is peculiarly fit to he state of discipline for the strong and continuous exercise of conscience Show that obedience to God'3 will is virtuous even though it proceed from hope or fear The proof of religion as matter of fact is not shaken by fatalism Show that objections raised against parts of the scheme or system of God's moral government are not reasonable Show that our ignorance does not invalidate the proof of religion though it does the objections against it
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