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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1862-1863-157

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4-5 10ע Machinery and Manufacturing Art 15-2 15 61-4 9-10 9-10 9-10 9-10 9-10 9-10 4-5 30-4 30 1-4 1-4 10 15- 30-3 15 ell THIRD YEAR Extra Subjects 10 30-12 30 י 10 30-12 30 fS-4 plO As to other Classes similar in all respects to Second Year Students ab Alternate Weeks Michaelmas Term only Lent Term only Easter Term only Michaelmas and Lent Terms only On alternate Saturdays in Surveying during the Michaelmas and Lent Terms only Open from to daily Saturday excepted when it closes at for such Students as have leisure for attending hut attendance required and marked at the hours named Eight Lessons every Term Six Lessons every Term Open to Students of the First Year on payment of the usual fee Open to Students of the Second Year on payment of the usual fee and by leave of the Dean Students not attending this Class on Tuesday are to attend the Workshop from to and must also attend the Lecture on Machinery at 15 on Thursday On alternate Saturdays during the Michaelmas and Lent Terms only
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