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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1861-1862-508

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APPLIED SCIENCES 509 IX rologt antf iHtntraI0g Give list of the physical characters of Minerals and particularize those most important in identifying Minerals Name the Minerals which represent the Scale of Hardness Give the crystalline form cleavage hardness specific gravity and chemical composition of Quartz Felspar Topaz and Calcareous spar What is understood by Stratification To what agency is it ascribed What is meant by the terms conformable and unconformable What aid does the study of organic remains or of the remains of former animals and plants found imbedded in the strata afford to the Geologist in determining the relative age of stratified deposits Give list of Minerals that enter into the composition of Igneous Rocks Mention some of the practical advantages of knowledge of Geology and Mineralogy What are the most important Fossils of the Secondary Rocks What plan would you follow and what methods would you adopt in collecting the Minerals Rocks and Fossils of new country and in working out its Geology 10 In what strata and where are Rock-salt and Gypsum found in England Name and describe the Minerals Rocks and Fossils on the accompanying tray -iHanufacturmg &rt anil iHatijiiurp Describe the process of making Pig Iron and illustrate your description with sketches What kind of Pig Iron would you select for casting heavy girders and what kind for making malleable Iron Describe the process of converting Pig Iron into Railway Bars and illustrate your description with sketches
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