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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1861-1862-478

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INGLIS SCHOLARSHIP 479 Give with dates the names of Henry's chief Ministers indicating their policy and the principal measures passed while they were in power 10 Give character of Henry VIII II -Ettgn of p&fltp if From what sovereigns was Philip II descended for two generations With what living sovereigns had he been allied at the time of his death and from whom respectively had he in- herited his dominions Give with dates list of Philip's Governors in the Nether- lands and explain briefly the public policy under each Explain shortly the causes of the war in Granada Trace the connexion of Philip's policy in France England and the Netherlands Give short history of the siege of Antwerp What changes were made in the constitutions of Brabant and Arragon between Philip's accession and death Contrast the connexion of the Inquisition and of the Jesuits with Spanish character In what sense is Don Quixote characteristic Spanish work Examine the grandeur and short-comings of Spain under Philip II 10 Give character of Philip II with special reference to his treatment of Don Carlos Antonio Perez and the Duke of Alva III -tCIje paper on penSer'0 dFaerg Quten itt for ti fnglts djolar£il tp for ti nglfel Eanguagt anU Etttraturt
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