Calendar: 1861-1862 Page 457
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458 THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT qua per pluralem significatur numerus singularis Sicut in Evangelio Herode mortuo dictum est Mortui sunt euim qui quaerebant animam pueri Non dictum est mortuus est Et in Exodo Fecerunt inquit sibi Deos aureos quum unum vitulum fecerint tantum de quo dixerunt Hi sunt dii tui Israel qui eduxerunt te de terra JEgypti et hie pluralem ponentes pro singulari Quamvis et in illo peccato uno quod per unum hominem intravit in mundum et in omnes homines pertransiit propter quod etiam parvuli baptizantur possuit intelligi plura peccata si unum ipsum in sua quasi membra singula dividatur Nam et superbia est illic quia homo in sua potius esse quam in Dei potestate dilexit et sacrilegium quia Deo non credidit et homicidium quia se praecipitavit in mortem et fornicatio spiri- talis quia integritas mentis humanae serpentina suasione corrupta est et furtum quia cibus prohibitus usurpatus est et avaritia quia plus quam illi sufficere debuit adpetivit rt si quid aliud in hoc uno admisso diligent consideratione inveniri potest II -translate into Satin $3roSt Amongst the Greeks Protagoras because he had the hardihood to say "I know no gods though he did not go about the world to preach this but merely said so in single city was in danger of his life And Diagoras the Melian and Theodorus the Atheist as he was called although they had friends and all the help of eloquence and were admired for their philosophy still reaped no benefit from these And the great Socrates though he surpassed all among them in wisdom was obliged to drink hemlock because he was suspected of introducing some slight novelties in his teaching about the gods But if mere suspicion of innovation caused so much risk to philosophers and wise men who had all the advantage of great reputation that they either lost their lives or were banished are you not struck with astonishment when you see fisherman accomplishing 80 much in the world and getting the mastery both over Greeks and barbarians But these you will say were not for intro- ducing strange gods like the other Nay rather answer it is
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