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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1861-1862-453

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454 THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT ετι θεωρείτε με' 11 Tlepl δε κρίσεως ότι άρχων τον κόσμου τούτου κίκριται Explain the meaning of the term παράκΚητος and show from the terms of the above passage that the mission of the Spirit at and after the Pentecost was distinctly different from anything that had as yet preceded Explain fully the meaning of verse 10 and verse 11 and illustrate by parallel passages the term- ό άρχων τον κόσμου τούτου verse 11 Translate accurately 19 Ό ουν 'Α ρχιεοευς ηρώτησε τον 'ϊησοΰν περ"ι τίν μαθητΰ αντον και περί της διδαχής αύτοι 20 Άπεκρίθη αυτω ό Ιησούς Εγώ παρρησία εΚαΚησα τω κόσμω' εγώ πάντοτε δίδαξα εν rij 'σνναγωγϊ και ev τω Ίερώ όπον πάντοτε 01 Ιουδαίοι συνέρχονται και εν κρύπτω εΧάλησα ονδεν 21 Tt με ε'π ε ρωτάς Ιπερώτησον τονς άκη κούτας τι ε λάλησα αυτο'ις' Ιδε ojrot οϊδασιν α εϊπον εγώ Where did the examination here alluded to take place What appears to have been the character of the examination as con- trasted with that which followed State briefly the tribunals before which our Lord was successively taken In what respects was He pleased to vary His deportment before His different judges Χ -Ϊ Eimoti an iHatt -f$f What date do you assign to this Epistle as the most probable State distinctly the grounds of the probability and the arguments on the other side Connect what we read of the Church of Ephesus in the Acts of the Apostles with the facts stated or implied in the 1st Epistle to Timothy Give short view of the plan and contents of the Epistle What interval of time is passed over by St Matthew between Chapters XVIII and XIX What events are assigned by Harmonists to that interval What do you know of the life and character of Timotheus What may be inferred from St Paul's language as to the special dangers of his temperament and position
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