Calendar: 1861-1862 Page 259
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EVENING CLASSES 259 Lecture of this hour may be attended singly as half course or in connexion with any one of the Lectures in the English Classes BOOKS RECOMMENDED Vernon's Anglo-Saxon Guide Thorpe's Analecta Anglo-Saxonica Bosworth's Dictionary IX HISTORY Bay and Hour of Attendance-Tuesday from to II History of the Reign of Charles II and James II 1660-1688 III The life and writings of Dryden IV The life and writings of Bunyan History of the Reign of William III 1638-1702 VI The Philosophy of the time-Hobbes-Locke- Newton VII The Reign of Queen Anne 1702-1714 VIII IX Addison and Steele-The Spectator The Reign of George 1714-1727 XI Life and writings of Pope and Bishop Butler XII The Reign of George II 1727-1760 XIII The Novelists XIV The Reign of George III until the French Revolu- tion 1760-1789 XV Dr Johnson XVI Burke with particular reference to his part in the American War XVII The French Revolution XVIII Its effects as shown in the rise of the new literature
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