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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1860-1861-55

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56 lege are or have been closely connected with it and of all who are in any way interested in its welfare They have accordingly sanctioned the formation of Committee to take measures for accomplishing the desired improvements and have nominated several members of their own body to act on their behalf Looking to the period during which the College and the School have now been in operation and the number of Stu- dents who have received their education in one or both of them the Committee feel that there ought to be no difficulty in raising sufficient funds They would gladly see in the new Chapel great collective thank-offering from all who are con- scious of having profited by their education in the College or who believe that it has rendered effective service to the Church of Christ in this country The Council have secured the services of one of the most eminent of living architects Mr George Gilbert Scott and this gentleman has already submitted plan which is now under the consideration of the Committee He estimates that the cost of the proposed alterations will be between 000 and 000 Communications will be received by the Rev Professor Plumptre and Cunningham Esq Honorary Secretaries It is requested that Post-Office Orders may be made payable to one or other of them at the Strand Office and that Cheques may be crossed to Messrs Coutts and Co It is proposed that Subscriptions may be paid one half in the year 1860 and the other half in 1861 Ε PLUMPTRE Hon CUNNINGHAM Se
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