Calendar: 1860-1861 Page 54
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55 CHAPEL RESTORATION FUND From the Council The Bishop of London Chair- man The Earl of Hanwhy The Bishop of Winchester The Dean of St Paul's The Dean of Westminster William Cotton Esq The Rt Hon Glad stone Green Esq Rev II Gurney Sambrooke Esq Wigram Esq committee From the College Staff The Rev the Principal Professor Beale William Bowman Esq Rev Professor Browne Cunningham Esq Professor Fergusson Professor Goodeve Professor Johnson II Henry Lee Esq Rev Prof McCaul Professor Miller Rev Major Professor Pearson Rev Professor Plumptre treasurer William Cotton Esq From Old Students Dr Arlidge George Austen Esq Bolton Esq Ε Bowen Esq Rev Farrar Dr Frere Rev Lance Dr Lavies Mackay Esq Kev Cowley Powles Sturges Esq Rev Henry White Rev Wood honorary secretaries Rev Ε Plumptre Cunningham Esq The earnest attention of the Council of King's College has been lately drawn to the fact that the College Chapel as it at present stands is altogether unworthy of the character and reputation of the Institution to which it is attached There is nothing in it to attract nothing to impress the minds of those who meet in it with reverence or leading them to remember it with attachment The Council believe that the time has come when an effort ought to be made by the friends of the College to remedy this defect They have unfortunately no corporate funds available for this purpose and are obliged accordingly to appeal to the goodwill of those who as teachers or students of the Col-
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