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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1860-1861-50

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ANNUAL REPORT 51 The vacancy announced last year in the list of Governors for life has been filled up by the appointment of Sir Brodie Bart one of three surviving original Members of the Council and one who by his constant attendance at the Meetings of the Council and by his warm attachment to the interests of the College has well merited this mark of distinction The death of Sir George Thomas Staunton Bart gives the Council an opportunity of recording his past services to the College especially in the matter of the foundation of the Professorship of Chinese in which he took lively interest The retrospect of the past year may be most fitly closed by ascribing to the Giver of all good whatever success has thus far attended the labours of the College and by commending to His gracious protection the future efforts of those who are engaged in the work of bringing all secular knowledge within the influence of the Christian faith ΪΓ "to
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