Calendar: 1860-1861 Page 182
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182 MEDICAL DEPARTMENT Matriculated Students enjoy the following advantages They are more completely under the supervision of the College authorities They pay Five Guineas less for Hospital Practice They alone can compete for the Warneford Inglis Divinity and ledical Scholarships and for the Leathes Warneford Gill and other Endowed Prizes They alone can compete for and hold the offices of- Physician's Assistant Physician Accoucheur's Assistant House Surgeon Assistant House Physician Assistant House Surgeon Clinical Clerks Dressers II Occasional Students or those who enter to one or more particular Classes Every Class is open to such Students on payment of the prescribed amount of fees They have the privilege of contending for Class Prizes and Certificates The regular Course of Instruction in this Department occu- pies either three or four years according to particular circum- stances See page 184 The year is divided into two Sessions The Winter Session beginning October 1st terminates at the end of March The Summer Session beginning May lst terminates at the end of July No one can be admitted into this Department under the age of sixteen except by the special permission of the Prin- cipal There is short vacation at Christmas extending from the day before Christmas Day to the day after New Year's Day inclusive The Students of each Class are examined at regular intervals throughout the Session there are also Scholarship and Prize
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