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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1859-1860-60

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GO theological department Section IX the associateship All Students of this Department who have passed their final examination and have received their Certificates are eligible to be elected by the Council Associates of King's Col- lege London The privileges of Associates are perpetual free admis- sion to all Lectures forming the regular Matriculated-Students Course in this Department the use of the Libraries and Museums under the regulations which apply to Students and the liberty of dining at the High Table in the College Hall Section class of candidates for admission to the theological department With the view of preparing those who are not yet qualified to pass the examination for admission into the Theological Department Class is established in which instruction in the Latin and Greek languages is given daily The elements of Hebrew are also taught Lecturer Rev Alexander Israel McCaul Any person twenty years of age may enter this Class for such length of time as he may desire upon producing Certi- ficate of good moral conduct from the Clergyman of the last place in which he has resided The instruction given will vary according to the proficiency of each Student but all Students of this Class are required to attend the Chaplain's Lectures and Examinations on Thursday and Saturday The hours of attendance are daily from 10 to The Fees amount to 8s per Term This sum covers every expense except the Matriculation Fees which amount to 41 15s 6d Upon joining the Theological Department the Student will not have the Matriculation Fees to pay again
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