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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1859-1860-57

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theological department 57 To each Student who has merited such distinction by his attainments and by his good character during the period of his studies in King's College the Principal is empowered by the Council to grant Certificate of attain- ments and conduct which Certificate may be exhibited for the satisfaction of that Bishop to whom such Student may apply to be admitted as Candidate for Holy Orders The two Archbishops and twenty-three of the Bishops have consented to admit as Candidates for Holy Orders those Students who shall produce this Certificate The Bishop of Rochester also accepts the Certificate but only from those who have previously passed through the Department of General Literature and Science and have become Associates The Bishops of Bangor and Έλγ or local reasons only do not recognise the College Certificate VI The Council have distinctly provided that no Certificate can be given by the Principal to any Matriculated Student who has not kept the fall period of Six Terms and passed the final examination before the Board of Examiners excepting those who come under Rule Section VI and Scholars on the Worsley Foundation see page 78 VII The Board of Examiners will hold examinations for Certificates at the end of the Michaelmas Lent and Easter Terms Section VII terms AND fees The Academical Year consists of Three Terms viz Michaelmas Term from the beginning of October to the week before Christmas Lent Term from the middle of January to the week before Easter Easter Term from Easter to the end of June Students are admitted at the beginning of each Term II The fees for attending the full prescribed Course will be- per term For Graduates of Oxford Cambridge or Durham £8 For ail Associates of King's College London 10 10 For other Students 12 12
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