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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1859-1860-53

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theological department 53 Pastoral and Liturgical Rev Ε Plumptre Theology Professor The Eoidences of Chris- ן Rey Perowne tiamty Latin Rev Perowne Theory and Practice of John Hullah Esq Professor Vocal Church Music Monk Esq 10 Public Reading Rev Thelwall 11 Lam of Health and Bis- ease in their Relation to the Guy Esq MB Cantab Ministerial Office The appointments of the Professors and Lecturers in Divinity are made with the consent of the Lord Bishop of London as Diocesan and with the approval of His Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury as Visitor Measures also are taken for providing the Students with the opportunity of acting as District Visitors under the parochial Clergy and as Assistants to the Chaplain of King's College Hospital as well as for enabling them to become practically acquainted with the best methods of conducting Schools Section II class of persons admitted The following persons are admitted Students of this Depart- ment All Students of King's College London who having passed the necessary period and fulfilled the required condi- tions see page 73 in the Department of General Literature and Science shall have received the Diploma of an Associate All persons already in Deacons' Orders desirous of pre- paring themselves as Candidates for Priests' Orders and all Graduates in Arts of the Universities of Oxford Cambridge and Durham All persons of the age of 21 who after having been examined and reported as eligible by the Principal shall ob- tain the recommendation of Bishop
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