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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1859-1860-52

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52 theological department The General Education of King's College London is carried on in seven distinct yet mutually related Depart- ments viz The Theological Department II The Department of General Literature and Science III The Department of the Applied Sciences IV The Medical Department The Military Department VI The Evening Classes VII The School And under these separate divisions every information rc- specting the College is given in the following pages ijccilogtcal Dqmrtm nt Section instruction given and by whom The object in view in this Department of King's College is to provide system of sound Theological Instruction essen- tially practical in its nature for the large and important class of young men who propose to offer themselves as Candidates for Holy Orders This Department is under the immediate superintendence of the Principal and the course of teaching includes the fol- lowing subjects Dogmatic Theology-the The Rev Jelf Thirty-nine Articles Principal Ecclesiastical History Rev McCAUL Professor Exeqesisof the Old Testa- Rev McCAUL Professor ment Hebrew and Rabbinical RevA MeCAUL Professor Literature ×™ Exegesis of the New Tes- Rev Ellicott Pro- foment fessor
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