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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1859-1860-480

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MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 481 Frog and an Insect with those of Man and illustrate your answer with diagrams Give drawings of the arrangement of the Capillaries in striped and unstriped muscular fibre tendon adipose tissue and cartilage Describe the probable chemical changes taking place in fibre of voluntary muscle and the alterations which occur in the blood as it passes through the capillaries of muscle What would happen if one of the semilunar valves of the aorta were torn across during life What is meant by the terms Elasticity and Contractility Give examples Describe the process of Mastication You are expected to answer all the questions III -Cljtmfetrg Specify the distinctive characters by which chemical affinity is distinguished from other forms of attraction Define and exemplify the terms Acids Bases and Salts How is the degree of exhaustion in the receiver of the air- pump estimated What fixed points are employed in graduating ther- mometer What is the principle which ensures the fixity of the temperature of these points Describe the process of Ebullition and state in what respects it differs from Evaporation What circumstances raise or depress the boiling point of liquid Sketch Melloni's method of ascertaining the diathermacy of body Illustrate by example the difference between diather- macy and transparency Mention some of the best insulators and conductors of Η Η
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