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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1859-1860-478

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MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 479 -330tan Give brief summary of the chief conclusions that have been arrived at in the Histology of Plants State the main principles of the theory of Morphology in regard to the Flowering Classes of Plants Explain the principles of the natural method of classifying plants and sketch in tabular form the chief subdivisions of the vegetable kingdom Give the essential characters of the natural order Solanacea and of the genera Solanum Atropa Hyoscyamus DaUira and Nicotiana State the distinctions Between Ranunculaceae and Rosacess Cruciferae Papaveraceas Rubiacese Apocynaceas Labiate Scrophulariaceae Liliacese Amaryllidacese Iridacese C01chieacea3 VI-piateria iHtifka ants irapeuttcS Mention the chief facts which prove the absorption of medicines Enumerate the chief Astringents both mineral and vege- table Describe the effects of Opium in medicinal doses Describe the mode of obtaining Scammony and Elaterium and give the tests for the purity of each of these drugs Mention the characteristic effects and chief uses of Bella- donna Nux Vomica and Aconite the parts of each which are officinal in the London Pharmacopoeia also the preparations and their doses Give the ordinary doses of the following medicines Liquor Hydrargyri Bichloridi Liquor Potassaa Arsenitis Vinum Antimonii Potassio-tartratis Plumbi Acetas Pilula Saponis Composita
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