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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1859-1860-477

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478 MEDICAL DEPARTMENT How is Gun-cotton prepared Explain the chemical change which occurs Enumerate any other analogous bodies What changes do the Alcohols undergo during oxidation and what by dehydration Give the general formula for an Aldehyd Volatile Acid and simple Ether Explain the mode of preparing Alkalies containing the radicles of the Alcohols What is the general nature of fixed Oil Explain the changes which it undergoes during saponification Describe the preparation of Muriate of Morphia from Opium and give the composition of the bases Morphia Codeia and Narcotine What tests may be used to show the presence of Morphia State the general method to be pursued in testing for the presence of the organic bases in the contents of the stomach IV -CijtmtStrj What is the composition of Oxalic Acid How may it be detected By what means is it usually obtained State the ordinary law of the refraction of light Explain what is meant by double refraction What is the composition of Nitric Acid Describe its pre- paration and the mode of detecting its presence in minute quantity What is the result of its action upon metallic copper Describe the preparation of Chlorate of Potash trace the effects of heat upon it What is the action of Oil of Vitriol upon the Salt What is the principle of the Astatic Galvanometer In what respects do Daniell's and Grove's Voltaic batteries differ What are the phenomena observed during the Electrolysis of solution of Sulphate of Soda In what respect do they differ from those exhibited by Sulphate of Copper How do you separate Lead from organic mixtures By what tests would you identify it when present in minute quantity
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