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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1859-1860-476

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MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 477 what vascular communications would the circulation be carried on in the limb below 12 Whereabouts would you make an artificial anus in the case of complete obstruction of the rectum and upon what anatomical grounds would you select the situation II-$3 Si0l02P What is meant by dormant vitality Describe the function of the skin and glandular organs connected with it What is the chemical composition of the lyrnph and chyle and what is the nature and probable office of these fluids Describe briefly the anatomy of the larynx and show how the voice sounds are produced Describe the probable changes going on in the uriniferous tube and adjacent vessels during the secretion of urine What is meant by vicarious secretion Give examples What influence does the nervous system exert upon the process of secretion Describe the anatomy of the mucous membrane of the uterus and the changes which take place in it after concep- tion Give drawings of the tissues you would see in thin section from the tip of the finger midway through the nail magnified 200 diameters III -CljtmtStrp Describe two methods of determining Nitrogen in an organic substance Illustrate and exemplify what is meant by homologous series Mention the principal varieties of Sugar and state by what characters they are distinguished To which variety does Diabetic Sugar belong How do you test the presence of Sugar in the Urine
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