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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1859-1860-474

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MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 475 Enumerate the tests for Arsenious Acid in substance and in solution and describe minutely the two tests of Marsh and Reinsch Give the antidotes for Sulphuric Acid Oxalic Acid Car- bonate of Potash Tartar Emetic Chloride of Antimony Corrosive Sublimate Sugar of Lead and Verdigris IV -Jjurgirg What is Necrosis what are its indications Describe one or more of its most common forms and give the treatment usually required with illustrations from cases treated in the Hospital during the Session What is Hydrocele Describe its different forms and the manner of detecting each Describe the modes of treatment and give your reasons for preferring one method over others Illustrate from cases which have occurred in the Hospital during the Session Have you seen anything peculiar regarding the treatment of Hernia during the last twenty-four months if so describe some of what you have seen and give your impressions and opinions on the subject Describe the union of fractures state what may prevent or retard that process and give the treatment you would follow in cases of false joint -ίϊΙΛίίίηι State the various conditions that give rise to Vascular Congestion and the most important results of this state Mention the various causes of the Apoplectic state and show how they may be distinguished in practice What is understood by the terms Interlobular and Vesicular Emphysema of the lungs and what is known of the causes and effects of these conditions Describe briefly the principal varieties of Dropsy giving the distinctive characters of each
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