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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1859-1860-471

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472 MEDICAL DEPARTMENT Let the worst come to the worst will give you call When is your hook to come out How came you to know it This put him out of countenance cannot put up with that will not take denial That will do -Well done Have nothing to do with it He behaved like gentleman She is very lady-like You humour him too much There is no end of it Second-hand books What is the matter It is just like her cannot help it That lies heavy upon his heart You have been taken in -Have long to be off -Do you wish could speak French fluently Remember your honour is at stake XII rojj &offinger'g efcfyidjte beg SrjIjerjogS Marl Όοη Deftetretcfy Translate Slotf unb geifitge Qluftegung fyanntebie emiitfyer auf'8 5leuferfle te Unjuftiebenljieit beg 3S0IfS fianb in ben SBaffen neuer Sfjeorteen beit olten Sinricfytungen unb SBi'ttben gegenitfcer ieftteg Subwig XVI ben Sfjron umgefren oon brotyenben Slementen tit etner jturmifdjen Qitmofytyare auf unterwutylteut 9B0ben-o ne raft ja oljne Seroufjtfein feiner Sage te t1t gegenufcer jie enben efaljren irurben nod ttergtopert burcij bag SSeifpiel 0iorbamerica'8 bag bie euro difc en SOoIfer in Grfiaunen fe$te er SSoIISlja
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